More stuff. I know the traditions. When family gets together we're supposed to get each other presents and it's good and fun and I like it. But, I live in this apartment that doesn't hold much stuff and I sit around and study for most of my day, so how much stuff do I actually need?
I could probably use a couple winter shirts (I could give away about 30 more that I never wear) and maybe a gas card to help finance getting to and from school. So Christmas is about Christ emptying himself by becoming a baby, but for me Christmas is about getting things. I'm sure much of this will change in the future when I start making some money and actually begin to buy presents for family members and children. But, shouldn't I stop asking for things that I don't need and maybe ask my family members to channel some of that away from me and towards those who are truly in need.
My mom being the planner and wonderful mother that she is always asks me weeks in advance what I want for Christmas and I can never think of anything. Why? Because I really do have everything I NEED. Wouldn't it be more in line with the Christmas spirit to spend the money to the marginalized and the oppressed of the world rather than asking my in-laws and parents to keep all resources in the family. (Now, to all who are reading this and have already bought me a present don't think I am not grateful for your thoughtfulness and generosity. Really, thank you. I love presents, I'm just questioning why I love them so much.) My materialism and selfishness is the problem. I often think even my petty needs are more important than other's actual needs.
Anyway, I'm resolving as of now that while my resources are slim (and this is a very relative statement) I'm going stop asking for stuff, start buying more gifts for people, and ask those who would buy me stuff to give it to a charity. Not only is this better for the world as a whole, it will also give me and my family members who store my stuff more space in their closets and attics.
Any thoughts? Am I sullying the goodnesses and wonder of the gathering around the Christmas tree and opening presents? Well, this is my attempt to be somewhat provocative.