Saturday, February 16, 2008

Just Under 2 Months

(Picture from

So I'm a total slacker for not being consistent with blogging. The one reason I don't read other people's blog is because they are not consistent, and look what I'm doing. Shame on me. How can I expect to have a worldwide audience if I don't keep my fans updated?

Anyway, one of the main reasons I'm blogging today is because I talked to my cynical partner in crime yesterday, Zach Cheney, and he revealed to me that he was now a committed member of the blogosphere as well. Both of us made fun of bloggers while we studied together in St. Louis and now we're both eating our words like a turkey dinner. Regardless of our inconsistencies, we are tender souls and would appreciate it if your read our humble thoughts. Moving on, I'm going to put some links on the sidebar today for everyone to check out other blogs that I read. They are mostly from friends who I knew in St. Louis, with the very special exception of Robert and Tiff.

Just to get everyone up to speed: Since Christmas I've been thinking a lot about the future. Meg and I really trying to figure what we are going to do with our lives long term. We've have talked through our options and we haven't come to any conclusions yet but we have considered the Air Force, Project MedSend, and doing a rural program here in Alabama. All these considerations are meant to pay back all the debt that we are currently accruing. Both of us have this real discomfort with accumulating debt and so we're looking into these things. So far I've met with an Air Force recruiter and talked to Project MedSend and I feel like MedSend makes more sense right now. So there's the update and if anyone has advice to give I'd love to hear it.


Jon David said...

Interesting. You never mentioned Project MedSend last time we spoke. That could be cool too. Give me some more insight as to why you think it's a better fit.

Austin said...

JD, I figured out that if I did the Air Force I would have to be in the reserves for 6 years after my three year commitment. Plus, they would have the ability to call me up after that and tell me to come and serve in a time of military need. So it is a lot bigger commitment than I am willing to make. Project MedSend on the other hand is a 1 year to 1 year type of repayment program that works with missions organizations to send physicians and their families to their place of calling (a lot more flexibility). MedSend is less money than the Air Force because I wouldn't get the stipend that the military gives, but it seems to be more along the lines of what Meg and I are thinking in terms of what we want our lives to look like down the road. That's not to say that were going to do it for sure, but it is definitely on the top of our list right now. Basically, it just really sucks going into the red at the bank.