I'm always starting new books and never finishing old ones. I know some people who can read one book at a time (Tim) and actually finish it. I can't and it bothers me. It makes me think that I have some kind of commitment problem. Why do I hit a wall at page 75? Amazingly, I did finish a Vonnegut book not to long ago, but I'm in the middle of about 10 books right now and I know I'll pick up more before I finish even one of them. My problem stems from the fact that when I see something interesting I think that I'll forget about it if I don't pick it up immediately and start reading. I guess I need to make a list of things I want to read, but I kind of have that on my Amazon wish list right now (hint, hint for next holiday season), and it hasn't cured me.
So what do I do? Is it just natural selection of books? Should I not worry about the stack of book in the living room and just let the book with the most interesting ideas survive my short attention span? It think another problem comes from the fact that I don't have enough time to read everything I want to (because of the whole med school thing) so I feel like if I read the first 75 pgs. that I can sort of honestly say that I've read the book. So here's the confession, I do this so I can sound well- read without actually putting the time in to read the whole book. Man, that feels good to get off my chest. So now you know that I'm pathetic and I just want to sound smart. Anyway, any suggestions, besides stop being so insecure, on how to cure my bookitis.
Some hack tried to post some virus on the blog so I deleted it. I promise I won't censor anyone else's comments!
Well in that case, I feel free to comment! :)
I am right there with you on this one, Austin. I can't seem to finish a book... or a movie, for that matter (due to sleeping through the end). Ok, I'll admit that sometimes I'll flip to the end of the book to see how it ends if I'm DYING to find out. After that, what's the point of finishing it?
That's interesting because I sleep through movies too. I wonder if we have the same personality type, and if we do, does our type usually sleep through movies and not finish books? Your dying to get to the end thing is just like Meg. She glosses (not skims but reads very quickly) over paragraphs and paragraphs just to find out what is going to happen next. (Imagine her standing next to the TV jumping up and down.) Also, Harry on "Harry Met Sally" says he's a deep person because he reads the end of the book first in case he dies before he has time to finish it. Anyway, maybe that makes you deep.
Why did you delete my comment? It's impossible for me to replicate the brilliance of what I had to say.
Kidding. But I did try to comment the other day about your medical missions post and it deleted it before I could get it posted.
What does it say about you if you don't even START books? :)
oh...and i linked my blog to yours. hope that's okay!
Why I can't finish a blog is more like it. I have been dutifully checking in and have not found a new post in forever. Really how hard can med schoool be?
Disn't you just have spring break, I at least expected an update then.
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