(Picture from www.chinapost. com.tw/ news_images.jpg)
What's the deal with the Olympic torch protesters? Would anyone in the West be protesting China's policy with Tibet if the torch weren't going through their country? I mean China's had a terrible human rights record for at least the last sixty years since Mao came to power and I haven't seen anyone on the news picketing in D.C., London, or Paris until now. The reason is because the people who actually care about the Chinese and Tibetan people are not the ones who are trying to tackle poor defenseless torchbearers. By the way torch tacklers: the eternal flame is not a symbol of Chinese communism and/or oppression; it's a symbol of the Olympics Games whose head haunchos decided to have China host this year. Why weren't you outside the IOC meetings picketing when they were deciding on where to hold the Games? I agree ideologically with putting pressure on the Chinese government to be more responsible for their human rights violations, but we are not going to tackle a beast like China by spearing some nice French lady getting the chance of a lifetime. I promise China is not waiting with bated breath to see if the torchbearers are safe, they don't even do that for their own citizens. So to all Western democratic idealogues stop trying to get on TV and go do something real.
I don't know spearing some "nice" french lady sends a message of some sort.
Hey bro - wassup? Good to see you the other Saturday. Hope your studies are going well.
Well the way I see it is that the protestors see it as their chance to highlight the human rights record of China, to involve them more heavily in world affairs since they're clearly important enough to host the Olympic Games. We can argue about it later...or are you finished with school yet??? When are we going to hang out?
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