Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Med School: My First Real Job

The picture is of Volker Hall on UAB's campus, where I spend about 12 hours of everyday!

Since I've had the last few days off to be at home and do domestic chores, do a little thinking and reading, and watch too much ESPN I've come to a couple of conclusions about my life. First, play time is not meant to be a regular occurrence. I'm starting to realize that every choice I make keeps me from not doing other things. The problem is that I love too many things like learning about animals, reading literature and theology, hanging out with Meg, getting to know people well, watching The Office, good beer, art, Alabama football, etc. but I can't have them all. Like my dad always says, "It sucks getting older." Anyway, trade-offs define the adult world so much more than my old youthful world, that's why I say med school is my first real job. Kind of connected to this realization is that I want to make good use of the time I actually have. Usually what that means is less ESPN and more talking to Meg, reading good books, and catching up with friends. It is really easy to get so busy that after a while you forget why you're waking up at the butt crack of dawn. So my first real job that I pay them for is making me slow down and think about why: why would I want to learn all this crazy stuff, why would I work this hard if I don't plan on making a whole lot of money in primary care, why do I care so much about cleaning our apartment, why does being overworked affect Meg and I so differently, etc. All these are part of my thoughts the last few days. So back to ESPN (or a book) for me. We're off to Savannah tomorrow to see Jake and Celeste, so have a good weekend (if anyone is actually reading this, ha).


Unknown said...

I think I will start Maurice Jones-Drew this weekend.

Chris said...

Hey Austin & Megan! Chris Smith here from Providence. I saw that you were blogging from Barlow's link on his blog.

I was just thinking about you the other day since I don't see you on campus anymore. I knew you were planning to head to medical school and assuming that you made it there.

So now I've got my're there. God bless you both!

Austin said...

Thanks Chris. It's good to hear from you man. I think I'll get more press from Barlow than I knew! Anyway, I hope things are going well with you and your family, we definitely miss the family-like community we had in St. Louis.