Thursday, July 10, 2008

Paro Hike and Play

Yesterday was a day of relaxation. Since Paro shuts every down in the country we decided to walk 2 miles to the Allens' house and eat their amazing lunch with them. They recently got a swing in their backyard so their house is the hangout place for the rest of the neighborhood kids. Yesterday, with everyone accounted for there were 15 people in their yard at one time. These kids are like American kids in energy level, need for authority, excitement at new toys, etc. The sad thing I observed yesterday, and I'd already seen it in Mexico when I went there in college, is toddlers being raised by their 8-10 year old siblings and/or cousins. The parents both have to work jobs just to put food on the table, literally just to have food to eat (very unlike both parents working in America), so the under 2 year olds are left to be raised by their very immature siblings. Since it is all kids and no parents Jeanine Allen is thinking about starting a semi-organized VBS so the kids can learn a little bit about the Bible as they play.

Our other activity yesterday was a hike we took up the mountains behind the Allens' house. It was beautiful. Here are a couple pictures. The landscape here is so much different than the US.

1 comment:

Dalgo said...

You are holding one of the most precious children I have ever seen. If you bring her home, I will love her forever! I especially love her little bitty shoes... awww. We miss ya'll and love you guys so much. You are doing a great job with the blog. I have shared it with many friends and co-workers.